〜これをするだけで素敵な関係に〜Happy Relationship!!
<オークボ・ケイ氏 プロフィール> カリフォルニア在住の国際講師、セラピスト、ヒーラー 1998年磁気療法、指圧、アロマテラピー、頭蓋仙骨療法、生命エネルギー療法の分野のちにプラニック・ヒーリング、マッサージ療法さらなる7つの実践法を教える認定講師。2000年よりリバーサイドでサリー・サーニー博士によるオリジナル臼井学院のレイキマスター。大学では、公衆衛生教育学修士号と経営学修士号を取得。 2001年〜2007年プラニック・ヒーリング創始者チョー・コクスイ大師よりインド、マレーシアそしてアメリカにて伝授される。マスタースティーブン・コーに師事。 プラニック・ヒーリング®レベル1,2,3及びそのワークショップ、無料の体験講座をカリフォルニア、ネバダ、ニューメキシコ、台湾、中国、日本、韓国で教授。リバーサイド郡の精神衛生保健青少年反スティグマ啓発会議、カリフォルニア・バプティスト大学での子供会議、USC医療センター看護大学その他の病院、UCLA腫瘍学部の看護部門、カリフォルニア州立大学フルトン校、教会、スピリチュアルセンター、鍼灸、公立学校、退役軍人リハビリテーションセンター、不動産事務所、マッサージスクール、その他多くの場所でスーパーブレイン・ヨガ®を伝授する。アメリカ・フォンタナ市のカイザーパーマネンテ病院でセルフ・プラニック・ヒーリング (原題Your Hands Can Heal You)ワークショップにてエリック・ロビンス医師(M.D.)を支援。 カリフォルニア州リバーサイド郡での36年間の奉仕とともに、メンタルヘルス部門での子供や高齢者の継続的な教育的訓練やプログラム開発および保安部、社会福祉部、公衆衛生部その他の機関と協力した重複診断プログラムを22年間、異文化適応能力を発揮して任務。 国際的な講師としても活躍しながら、様々な分野で長年教えた経験から、すぐにも使える豊かな知識と確かな技術を簡単かつ容易に理解できる方法で提供中。
内 容:
・ストレスを軽減し心を育むツイン・ハート瞑想 ほか
This event will be held in English and Japanese. English-Speaking people also welcome!!
For those who want to have good relationship with Partner, Family and others
You can learn from the Special Healer
‟The Seven Technique to improve your Relationship"
Happy Relationship!!
Pranic Healing Instructor Kei Okubo
Translation Makiko Ohno
‟Improving All Relationships, it is also for improving our connections to family and friends. You will then be guided in a special Meditation On Twin Hearts to experience a deeper love, friendship and intimacy with whomever you desire.
Kei Okubo Profile: Instructor Kei Okubo is a personal student of Master Co & was also taught by GrandMaster Choa KokSui between 2001 & 2007 in India, Malaysia and the US. She teaches MCKS Pranic Healing® Level 1,2,3, workshops & free experiential lectures in California, Nevada, New Mexico & in the Republic of China/Taiwan, China, Japan and Korea. She has taught Superbrain Yoga® at Riverside County Department of Mental Health Health’s Youth Anti-Stigma Awareness Conferences, California Baptist University at the Children's Conference, USC Medical Center-College of Nursing and other Hospitals, UCLA Oncology Department Nurses, Cal State University Fullerton, Churches and Spiritual Centers, Acupuncture and Public Schools, Veteran's and Rehabilitation Centers, Real Estate Offices, Massage Schools and many other locations. She has assisted Eric Robins M.D. with Your Hands Can Heal You Workshops at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Fontana. Her background also includes but is not limited to 36 years of service with the County of Riverside in the State of California. 22 years within the Department of Mental Health in Continuing Education Training, Program Development, Children's, Older Adults and Dual Diagnosis Programs working with the Probation Department, Sheriff's Department, Department of Social Services, Public Health Department and other agencies. Served as the Cultural Competency Liaison with the State Department of Mental Health. In 1998, she became a Certified Massage Therapy instructor in the areas of Magnetic Therapy, Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Craneosacral Therapy, Vital Energy, later Pranic Healing and is certified to teach seven additional practices. She is a Reiki Master from the Original Usui School under Sally Cernie, Ph.D. in Riverside since in 2000. Her university education includes a Masters Degree in Public Health Education, and Master of Arts Degree in Management. Kei Can Share the Powerful Pranic Healing Techniques with You in Simple and Easy to Understand Ways that You Can Use Immediately.
Learn sensitize the hands/ Clean the heart connection between the two people/
Energize the heart connection between the two people/ Scan the heart connection
then say something negative/ Scan the heart connection then say something nice/
Then say 5 nice things about the same person/ Meditation on Twin Hearts
If you would like to know more about Pranic Healing, you can see those at this website: