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My story with PRANIC HEALING



My story with PRANIC HEALING® started two years ago, in 2018

I have been waiting for this event from long time ago. I have great chance to have this class here, with the beautiful Sakura flowers looking outside, I experienced a lot of amazing feelings. Thank you dear sensei Kanae Takizawa. I will remember these two wonderful days I passed with her and other students all my life. This place too will remember your sweet and kind hearts. Thank you for all who helps that this workshop got successful.

At that time, I had suffered from an anxiety and depressive disorder for a very long time. I had a stressful environment when I came to Japan at the first time, which did not help me overcome this problem. I did several research on natural methods that could help me because I had been tired of taking the medication for a long time. After a few trips here and there. I came across an instructor Kanae Takizawa. She strongly advised me to join BASIC PRANIC HEALING® class.

After the class, my life and my health have radically changed. My panic attacks have decreased in frequency and intensity. I also discovered MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS which helped me release my mind and to relieve my pain.

After then, I was also able to take the courses of ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING® ( levelⅡ) and PRANIC PSYCHOTHERAPY® (levelⅢ)

My daughter, who was 6 months old when I started Pranic Healing, is now 3 years old, and she also get benefit from this immense treasure. She was having Atopic dermatitis but she has improved a lot by Pranic Healing treatment. And then, she also became less vulnerable to infections especially after entering the nursery due to the energy protection that I learned to heal her.

I am very grateful to Kanae, to all the Pranic Healers who helped me, to Master Choa Kok Sui and to God for this great gift. (Safae B)



当時、私は長い間、不安障害とうつ病に悩まされていました。初めて日本に来た時にストレスの多い環境にいたため、この問題を克服することはできませんでした。長い間、薬を飲み続けることに疲れてしまったので、自然な方法で私を助けてくれるものを何度か調べました。何度かあちこちに足を運んだ後 その中で、滝沢かなえ先生と出会いました。そして、滝沢先生の強い勧めで、ベーシック・プラニック・ヒーリング®のクラスに参加することになりました。




この素晴らしい贈り物をくださったKanae先生、助けてくださったプラニック・ヒーラーの皆さん、マスターチョー・コクスイ、そして神様にとても感謝しています。(サファエ B)




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